Polygamy Now -- Family Night
Family night has a structure. No phone calls, no television, no side conversations during dinner. Family night is held on whichever night we're all free, which is currently, and coincidentally, Monday night, the same as the LDS family home evening.
After the last round of comment and conversation, we ask, "Does anyone need any help?" If anyone does, we talk about this, too. Then we address any issues we're having, and any decisions that need to be made as a group. Then we're ready for hot tubbing.
Probably the biggest difference between family night and family home evening is that we get naked together on family night. After dinner, we undress together and head out to the hot tub, where we continue our conversation. Afterwards, we dress in robes (or not) and head upstairs to watch television. Social nudity is an important part of family night. Perhaps we'll tell you why in a future blog.
I love the idea of a Family Night, since my wives live in separate households by choice and design, our tradition is to meet at one or the other's and cook, cook, cook. Then we eat, eat, eat, til we're stuffed. All the while we discuss the various issues that come up.