Polygamy Now
The unfolding story of polygamy in the United States

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

An Interesting Letter About Polygamy

[David was kind enough to share his history and thoughts on polygamy. With his permission, we pass his letter on to you.]

I like your site and it gives me some interesting perspectives other than the normal monogamous dogma that im use to hearing. I am a evangelist and im presently married to a Chinese wife (Qiulan), but I have a Ugandian lady (Martha) whom I've been friends with for eight years who im really in love with and she loves me, she is coming to visit me and my family.

Martha lives in Kentucky but she is wanting to move in with us, if like your situation, things go well. Martha is accustomed to polygamy for in her native country only a few years back 80% of men were in polygamous relationship my Chinese wife knows of sects in China that are polygamous and she even knew of one man in her village that was a polygamous so I am hoping things can come together for us.

Martha loves me and I find it difficult to think of her living out her life with another man that in her heart of hearts she doesn't love, just to maintain a monogamous status within society. One thing I would hope and pray for is that if Martha becomes a part of our family, which in my heart I already feel that way, Qiulan and her will be like sisters and love and support one another. I pray for both Martha and Qiulan and ask the Lord for His wisdom and guidance.

On another note: I have seen monogamous couples who have spent 30 years in marriage and end up divorcing each other whose to say that there ever existed real love between them yet those who hold polygamous world views are condemned as degrading women etc etc. My entire family ie. mother, father and immediate relatives are all monogamous in world view I think they will find it difficult to accept my position as a Christian evangelist and as well a polygamist. I am glad to have found others out there that I can share my opinions and views with that will not immediately condemn my ideas or views that run contrary to a monogamous oriented society.



Blogger Johnnomads said...

David's letter brings up a recent happening in our family. We've discussed outing ourselves, not to the general public, but rather to our families. My family has guessed, but i just smile and say it's none of your business, when they ask. My wives are afraid of condemnation from their conservative christian families. My view is why make trouble for yourself!

3:56 PM  
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